Mellie's blog

Welcome! This is where the blog posts are.

October 17th 2022

'I've been on a writing community for a long time, and it's really improved my writing. I type at least 100 words every day, when before, I only typed a few words a month. So, it's a big improvement!

I've been pretty bedridden for the past year. Except for going for a short walk down the sidewalk or just walking down the hall to my room, I stay on the couch. I love to paint, diamond paint, do crafts, and, of course, write to keep busy.

This is kind of a short first post, but I'll try to post as often as possible.

Thanks for reading!



I'm not feeling too well today. :( But I've been interacting with my online writing community and making lots of friends. I've also played with my dogs a little and watched them play with each other.

I was just reading in my bible in Gensis 6-7 about Noah and the ark. Wouldn't it be interesting to live with so many animals for forty days? I wonder if they ever got seasick on the ark. If they got sick and had animals in there, I bet it was probably pretty stinky.

Here's a few jokes:

  1. There were 10 cats in a boat and one jumped out. How many were left?

None, because they were copycats!

2. Why is a bee's hair so sticky?

Because it uses a honey comb!

3. What do you do if your cat swallows your pencil?

Use a pen.

4. What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing?

Its shadow.

5. Why couldn’t the leopard play hide and seek?

Because he was always spotted.

6. What steps do you take if you a tiger is running towards you?

Big ones.

I'm going to try to put jokes on my posts. That'll make it fun! If there's anything that anyone would like me to post about, send me an email on the home page and let me know. I need more ideas!

Thanks for reading!



I'm participating in NaNoWriMo for the first time so I'm really excited. For awhile I did 100 words a day and that only adds up to 30000. But I'll have written a word count record for the most words I've written in a month if I reach my goal, which is 50,000 words.

But so far I've written (get ready, drum roll please) 2,195 already. But I've got quite a few more words to go! Sorry this is a short blog post today.

I'll try to write a longer one the next time if I can. :)
